Interesting facts you probably didn’t know about tea, these tea facts are a wonderful collection of tips, historical facts, and tea trivia.
- You may have heard that iced tea was invented at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair by an Englishman named Richard Blechynden, where it was so hot, tea wasn’t selling. Richard had the idea of pouring it over ice and it was an instant success.However, Richard wasn’t the first person to create iced tea. A recipe for iced tea can actually be found in Housekeeping in Old Virginia by Marion Cabell Tyree, published in 1877.
- Tea bags were invented in 1908 in the United States by Thomas Sullivan. He created small silk bags to give samples of tea to his customers. Some of them thought that the bags were supposed to be put directly in the tea pot, like a metal infuser, rather than emptied out. Thus, the tea bag was created by accident!
- There are four major tea types – black, green, white and oolong – but they all come from one plant, Camellia sinensis. It’s how the leaves are treated that the different types of tea are created.
- When making a pot of tea pour hot water into the teapot to warm it before you make your tea.
- The art of reading tea leaves is called tasseography.
- Legend has it that tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 BCE. A tea leaf accidentally fell into his bowl of hot water, and the rest is history.
- Rooibos is an herbal tea made from a plant that grows in South Africa. It’s leaves look like needles and are fermented like regular tea leaves.
- Tea absorbs moisture, so it’s important to store loose tea or tea bags in a sealed container.
- Traditionally, milk was poured into a cup before the tea to protect the delicate china. That’s no longer necessary.
- The leaves from raspberry plants can be brewed to make a fruity, herbal tea.
- Sherpa tea is a special blend of tea that can be brewed at high altitudes, where water boils at a lower temperature. It’s a blend of Oolong and Darjeeling teas.
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