A handful of almonds in the morning along with milk fill you with energy and you are good to go for the whole day. Lets’ find out the interesting and fun facts about these yummy and crunchy almonds.
- Almonds quench your thirst for having something crunchy as being the crunchiest of all the dry-fruits.
- Almonds have long storage life and can be refrigerated for up to 2 years. The longer shelf life is due to the fact that they are rich in Vitamin E.
- One of the best known features of Almonds is that they are the best cholesterol regulators.
- 90 percent of fat in almonds is unsaturated. This means that they can be consumed without getting worried about fat.
- Almond flour is gluten free and is healthy and delicious for baking purposes.
- India is a country where almonds are considered as ‘Brain food’ for the children.
- Almonds contain the flavonoid activity that is same as broccoli and green tea. So, you can expect them to be extremely nourishing for your skin.
- It takes 1000 pounds of almonds to make a 1 pint of almond oil.
- Chocolate manufacturers use around 40 percent of world’s total almonds in making delicious and mouth-watery chocolates.
- Almond is misunderstood as a nut. It is rather a seed of a fruit that grows on Almond tree.
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